Treating the Visual Consequences of Concussion
Prevention of concussion would of course be ideal, but is not always possible. With aware and conscientious parents, coaches and clinicians, subsequent concussions – the most dangerous – can almost always be prevented, mostly by removal from play.
After concussion, appropriate and immediate treatment is indicated. In October, 2015, the Targeted Evaluation and Active Management (TEAM) – Approaches to Treating Concussion Meeting stated that engaging in targeted and active treatments to particular symptoms may improve recovery after concussion: Balance symptoms may benefit from vestibular therapy and visual symptoms may benefit from vision therapy (see Neurosurgery below). 1
In Vision Therapy, we target the specific visual deficits that accompany concussion. These are often integrated with vestibular rehabilitation as these two systems (visual and vestibular) are linked neurologically.
The “fog” that accompanies conussion is frequently due to poor visual contact with the physically dynamic and cognitively demanding world. Re-establishing the visual capacity to engage in the world through Vision Therapy is often the therapeutic avenue to recovery.
Two important resources are available to you to learn more about the visual recovery after concussion: – search key word -concussion-