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Kurt & Tenley Gritts

Dear Dr. Hillier and Staff:

Wow!! We’re finding it hard to put into words the gratitude we feel for what you have done to help our daughter Kaitlyn. Thirty weeks ago life was very frustrating for our family as we spent hours each day trying to get Kaitlyn to sit down and finish her homework, trying to understand why she would not want to learn new skills, trying to control her emotional outbursts and temper tantrums, trying to find new ways for her to somehow enjoy reading rather than dread reading……..and the list goes on.

We would have never dreamed it was an undetected vision problem. What a relief it was to find out there was help for her and us! The dedication you and your staff showed to Kaitlyn has made a significant impact in her life, both emotionally and educationally. She now willingly gets her homework completed usually in 45 minutes. She is much more confident and willing to learn new things. She likes to read! Although she is still behind in her grade level, her teacher has noticed that she has made good progress on her reading fluency and has definitely improved her ability to work independently. Her tutor has noticed that Kaitlyn can focus much better on her work. She is less easily distracted so she gets her work done quicker and more accurately.

Admittedly the vision therapy program took a lot of work and dedication on Kaitlyn’s part too, but it was definitely worth it. She knows that she is very lucky to have been able to participate in your program. Thank you for bringing confidence and tranquility to Kaitlyn’s life.

Kurt & Tenley Gritts

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